Week 5 - Daniel Correia

As the previous week I focused more on the functional prototype of implementing a multiplayer system, this week I had to focus on making a low fidelity and low functionality prototype to test some port of our game's gameplay.

I decided to tackle our design goal of "Communicating with their partner will not provide a huge advantage". For this I made a prototype that would test the player's decisions during a battle in three different ways:

- By not talking at all;

- By allowing a pinging system, but without allowing to talk;

- By allowing to talk freely;

I made the prototype in draw.io that easily allows to draw grids and move objects around, as seen in this image:

I could easily have a grid and simulate visuals being dragged while the players make their decisions. Because of time constraints, this prototype only tested one battle round for each scenario, but it did give a rough feel of how the game would be comparing those different ways of communication.

Then I had to analyze the feedback I got from playtesting the prototype with the different testers, and I found it interesting that most actually preferred the pinging system as it still gave them a bit of challenge compared to always knowing what the other would do.

Finally, I had to make a demo video for both this one, and the functional prototypes, As you can see here:

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