Week 5 - Tiago Delgado

This week we finished testing our low-fidelity prototypes, reviewed them together and updated our Design Document with a compilation of each prototype and respective feedback.

I worked on a combat prototype, using a paper board and pieces to simulate Deuce's Silent Tower's combat mechanics. I tested the prototype in 4 different settings: 1 player vs AI to test different movement possibilities; 1 player vs AI to test different types of combat actions; 1 player vs AI to test different grid sizes; and finally, 2 players playing cooperatively vs AI to test how players cooperated during combat.

The feedback was very enlightening, giving us a very good idea of how many movement actions each character should be allowed, what kind of attack range and targeting system worked well during combat, how we can change grid size for different encounters to create versatility, and how players' strategies are molded by their partner's own possible actions in a given turn.

An analysis in greater detail is presently available in the Design Document.

Here you can see a demo of the prototype in action and how a testing session might typically play out


Design Document 2.7 MB
Apr 09, 2021

Get Deuce's Tower

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