Week 7 - David Pereira - Workshops and Design Document Improvement


As planned, we had two Workshop sessions. Overall, the sessions were very successful! We received plenty of good feedback and very nice ideas to keep in mind. The Thinking Hats activity was one of the activities that created the best ideas and generated more discussion. Another highlight of the Workshops was the high amount of ability ideas that we got from the Ability Creation activity. After the Workshops, the group then compiled the feedback received and produced the Workshop document.

Design Document Improvements

To maintain our Design Document updated, several aspects were improved. Firstly, art created by the art students was put around the Document. Secondly, Control Schemes were created, and then, the Play Scenarios were improved with more details regarding controls and presentation. A mention of the Terrain feature (the board may include certain tiles that act as obstacles or that boost a Character’s abilities) was also added to the Scenarios. To include more information regarding the concept and the game overall, a Section containing a Conceptual Model was also added.

Next Step - Unity Prototypes

The next step in the development of Deuce’s Tower is the creation of the first Prototypes using Unity. This will allow the group to test the controls more thoroughly and get a feel for what works and what needs work.

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